What is a MARKDOWN file?

What is a MARKDOWN file?

Table of contents

A MARKDOWN file is a text file created using one of several possible dialects of the Markdown language. It uses plain text formatting but contains inline text symbols that specify how to format the text (e.g., bold for bold text, or other markups for italics, indentation, headers, etc.). MARKDOWN files are designed for writing documentation in plain text that can be easily converted to HTML.

--> It motley use for GitHub projects 'readme.md' files to write brief documentation about projects.




# Heading
## Heading
### Heading
#### Heading
##### Heading


~~1999~~ 1799

1. one
2. two
3. three
    1. one
    2. two

- One
- One
- two
    - one

# my websites

Here are my portfolio websites

- [Codercomumunity](web.codercommunity.io)
- [LCO](web.learncodeonline.in "LCO")


include <stdio.h>
int main(){
    int a =10;
    printf("Value of a is",&a);
    return 0;
console.log("Hello world")'
print("Hello world")'

Here int is varariable thats store 10 inside.


Hello I am raja kumar
